+44 762 480 2524.
"We would be forever grateful if you could share this number with as many people in Haiti as possible and let them know that this is one way to identify who is in trouble and where they are so that response operations has them on their radar. The site has already been publicized by the Clinton Foundation, UNDP and we’re expecting CNN to cover this as well. Plus, we’ve got 200+ members on the CrisisMappers Google Group who are desperately looking for real-time information so they can plan their response operations accordingly."
So if you are in direct contact with people in Haiti, please pass the number along! As for our status in Cayes, more later today!
Thanks so much for the updates, Ryan! Please keep me posted if I can help you at all. Sending my donations to PiH.
Also got the updates via Steve ... please give Nothude my love.
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